Baked Rigatoni with Fennel, Sausage & Peppers Serves 6 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, plus more for greasing 1 lb (500 g) rigatoni 1 fennel bulb ¾ lb (350 g) sweet Italian sausage, casings removed, crumbled 1 each red, yellow, and orange bell pepper, seeded and sliced Salt & pepper 1 tsp sugar 1 tbsp red wine vinegar 1 cup prepared tomato sauce
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A Glitter Jar, like a snow globe, gives a child a comforting, mindful activity when worried, upset, nervous or angry. Our attention is focussed on the glittering falling shiny flakes and takes our mind to a safe place. The glitter represents all our thoughts rushing around madly in our heads and how they can settle as we practice controlled breathing while we watch them
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This is a great, easy and colourful art project from that most families can do with supplies that are easy to find or often at home that also demonstrates the scientific powers of absorption and capillary action. The basics are copied here, but visit for a full tutorial video. Materials: Card stock* Squeeze bottle of glue (such as Elmer’s) or liquid white
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