September 20, November 1, and November 22 PA Day Registration – Taking Wait List Requests

Wait List Requests

At this time some or all of our programs are taking Wait List Requests for the FALL 2024 School PA Day Programs. If you would like space you SHOULD register for the Wait List as if we are able to expand the program, then there may be additional room offered. We will contact families on our Wait List should additional space become available.

Our Wait List is “no obligation” so you may refuse a space if offered and have not prepaid.


ANNOUNCEMENT: 2024 FALL PA Days Friday September 20, November 1 and November 22 program 3-day BUNDLE Registration has been launched for currently attending B&A families on and is now taking Wait List requests from ALL Families as our initial capacity has sold out!

A link to register for the Wait List will appear next to your child’s name in your family registration page. We have limited space at this time and are sorry that it is not likely that we will be able to offer these PA Day programs to students not attending our program.  Watch this space for any program expansion announcements.

Senior Adventurers – School Age (Gr 1 – 8): $144.00 (3 days x $48)

Junior Explorers – Kindergarten (JK – SK): $69.81 (3 x $23.27)

Activities and Flyers

September 20: Waterdown Mini Comicon 2024 – details TBA

November 1: TBA

November 22: TBA

For our current Before and After School Families, a link to register for the above programs will appear on your Family Registration page. If you are not already registered for our programs, then instructions will appear in Tabs to the Left on THIS page if a School Holiday program is able to be opened for public registration.

NOTE: We only have limited space available currently in our School Holiday and PA Day programs.  Our enrolled Before & After School children (and siblings where we are able) are offered priority to register until space is sold out.



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